Words Are Power
Words Are Power
I began this blog during my undergraduate degree in 2016. It was my safe space then, and it is my safe space now.
Human IV Line: Burnout
I sound cynical. And God-freaking-help-me, I am. But I’m also a dreamer. I’m a spiritualist. I laugh a lot and love it even more. Mostly, I create. I spend my days inside the minds of romantic poets. I listen to Taylor Swift’s more poignant tunes. I often wish I could wade into the water of the Lake Distract in a gauzy gown like every Keira Knightly movie ever (but primarily with the aesthetic of Pride and Prejudice, 2005 version only). In that world, my biggest problem might be catching a chill and having to spend several days under the dutiful care of my soon-to-be very wealthy lover. I feel as though I have caught the chill without the joy of the gauzy gown.
A Life Worth More
I can imagine that if you read this, you might consider a discussion on worthiness to be rather wishy-washy or abstract and vague. I disagree, as I believe our own beliefs about worthiness are responsible for the very bedrock of how our lives thrive and simultaneously fail to serve us. It is my belief that there is no human instinct more powerful than love. It is also my belief that love’s greatest rival is fear. At the end of the day, all life choices can be summarised as being a choice between love and fear. Love-based decisions and fear-based decisions.
So, I'm Autistic
“I don’t think I am made for this world. I don’t fit. I’m not the right flavour of person.”