Words Are Power
Words Are Power
I began this blog during my undergraduate degree in 2016. It was my safe space then, and it is my safe space now.

A Secret Self
If I am the combination of a body-mind-soul triad and I believe that the soul is the largest component of us, that informs the health of the body and the mind, why do I make every decision based on what the body wants and what the mind has been nurtured by society to believe? Why I am I determining my worth, my actions with the top 10% of my pyramid and not the bottom 90%?

Hiding From My Body
My journey of acceptance and relationship with my body has been, like so many, a very hilly ride where the depths have sunken to lows I can barely think of and the highs have offered breathtaking views of glory of Self.

Internal Peace, External Chaos
Was that condemnation of a stranger's littering only an opportunity to remind ourselves of just how good and moral we are, by way of rid ourselves of responsibility over it?