Words Are Power
Words Are Power
I began this blog during my undergraduate degree in 2016. It was my safe space then, and it is my safe space now.

Strength Fatigue
Being constantly strong, putting on a brave face and 'pulling it together' is a gift to those around you, never to yourself. We aim to make those around us as comfortable as possible, to inconvenience them as little as possible with our pain.

Girls Look Outward, Boys Look Inward
We were girls with loud voices, notoriously resented by the staff of our school for being outspoken and difficult to tame, as a year group. We were creative, wild and a bundle of loose canons set to explode into adulthood. Yet, these same girls, myself included, were unsure of ourselves, anxious and self-conscious in the extreme.

Finding Your Why - Be Passionate About Living
Give yourself to respect to acknowledge not what you are doing, but what you are being."I think your life will be special," He told me. When I raised my eyebrows with no shortage of skepticism, he smiled a very genuine kind of smile. "Yes, I do. Because you've already got your why."