Unpublished Whispers #1 - Beating Your Chest
(This is the beginning of my new series, Unpublished Whispers, which I'm going to start where I publish the snippets of books I've started and never finished, and likely never will. They will all be short and sweet, for the aim of expressing the main themes I adore writing I hope you enjoy!)Beating Your Chest The professor's green leather chair was perfectly streamed in moonlight. Her glasses slid down her nose as she surveyed the young girl who was arguably her favorite student. “I don't know where to go now. Or what I'll be, without this security.” The girl said, somewhat ashamedly. The professor leaned forward and the girl's chin lifted in response. “You will climb through mud, to the highest mountain with the steepest peak. And there, you will stand with your hands beating on your chest, echoing for all to hear, commanding the attention of the world. You will make them do much more than listen - they will hear you.” The girl's answering nod was enough to cause new, towering waves to break a resounding crash against every shore of the world.
- Excerpt from a book I will never write, Unpublished Whispers #1